Monday, February 17, 2014

9 Months!

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope everyone is well!  The Foley household, fortunately, now seems to be in recovery (knock on wood) from a bout of germs that hit early last week ... seems like the Bear has taken over from big brother Cole and is now what we affectionately refer to as the "carrier monkey."  Not that we should have expected any differently when she started daycare, but it is still hard to remember that her cute and cuddly demeanor is just a front for a germ factory!

On Monday, Claire's daycare called me to tell me that she was running a low grade fever and had just thrown up.  Given that her having had an omphalocele increases (even if only slightly) the likelihood of bowel obstructions, we don't take any precautions when it comes to intestinal issues, so it was off to the doctor we went.

Not the face of a sick baby
After a quick exam, Claire was given a clean bill of health, and her "episode" was chalked up to an upset stomach from post-nasal drip.  And the post-nasal drip was attributed to her teething.  [That's right ... the Bear is no longer toothless. One bottom tooth has already broken through, and a second one is on its way!]  How I wish that was the case ... instead, I have spent the past few days dealing with a pretty nasty cold, and now it looks like Bo has it, too [Cole spent the past week in Oklahoma with his mom, so we are hoping that he has escaped unscathed.].  

Danger: Hug at your own risk.
Claire, of course, seemed unaffected by it all, until last night, when she was *slightly* cranky and running a fever of 101.5.  Fortunately, we had her 9-month "well-baby" check up this morning, where we discovered that she is rocking a double ear infection.  She is handling this in normal Claire fashion - meaning that, aside from a new dislike of being in her carseat, you can't even tell that anything is bothering her.  

Okay, no more talk of sickness ... on to the fun stuff!  At today's appointment, we learned that Claire is 28 inches (60th percentile for height), 17.4 lbs (40th percentile for weight), and, per her pediatrician, "she has a big head" (75th percentile).  She is right on track developmentally (not that we didn't know that, but it is always nice to get confirmation from the experts.).  Her pediatrician was especially impressed with Claire's drinking water out of a sippy cup, which Claire was all too happy to demonstrate during the appointment.  She was even more impressed, however, with Claire's flair for the dramatic - crocodile tears, pouty lower lip, and back arching - which she also put on display when the doctor tried to examine her. :)

All in all, this has been a great month.  Claire is getting closer and closer to crawling, she likes to practice standing up, and she is starting to try to pull herself up on things.  She enjoys playing with her toys on her play mat, watching her big brother's basketball games, and "cuddling" with Cat.  Her favorite song is the Itsy Bitsy Spider (it has gotten to the point where I will find myself singing it out loud in the car after dropping her off at daycare), and her favorite time of day is still bath time.  Claire's favorite games include giving high fives, giving "kisses" to her stuffed animals (and sometimes to Daddy and Mommy!), being "thrown" by Daddy, and dropping toys, etc. off of her high chair so others can pick them up for her.

As usual, I will end this post with a photo dump.  Enjoy!

Being cute is exhausting.

Playing with her toys

Hanging out with Papa on her 9-month birthday

Happy Valentine's Day!

Enjoying a Valentine cupcake at daycare



Thursday, February 6, 2014

Four Month Post-Op Appointment

Claire Bear had her 2nd post-op appointment with Dr. F today.  We have not seen him since last November, and when he walked in the room, you could tell Claire sort of recognized him (she gave him a big smile when she first saw him), but was still confused as to why he was messing with her stomach.  Really, there is not much to say about the appointment other than Dr. F was tremendously pleased with her progress.  Claire has a little bit of a pot belly right now, but Dr. F said that should disappear as soon as she starts pulling herself up more because that will help develop Claire's rectus abdominis muscles and, per Dr. F, give her a "washboard" stomach.  :)  We will see Dr. F again in May so he can continue to track her progress.  

I know, I know, this entry is so short that it almost wasn't worth posting at all (I probably could have taken care of it with a quick Facebook status update), so to make up for that, I will include the below video of Claire showing off her newest trick:

Hope everyone's February is off to a good start!  I will try to post again after Claire has her 9-month check-up on the 17th.


(Oh, and a huge thank you to everyone who supported Claire and the other "O" babies and angels on the 31st by wearing black and white!!!)