Thursday, January 30, 2014

Eight Months/Omphalocele Awareness Day

Hey all!  Sorry it has (yet again) been awhile since I have posted.  One would think that I would have become a prolific blogger over the past two weeks given the number of snow days we have had, but guess what ... I can procrastinate about doing the very thing I usually use when I am procrastinating about doing my work!  I am just that lazy talented.  

Anyway, the Bear continues to thrive.  She had her eight-month birthday on the 16th (Bo told me that she is "two-thirds of the way to being a year old."  I told him to never utter those words to me again.)  She has completely mastered the art of sitting up, and is now working on crawling; however, while she can quickly move from sitting to being on her stomach, she has yet to understand that her knees play a vital role in being able to move forward.  That, of course, is okay with me, as I would prefer that she slow down with this whole "becoming a big girl" habit of hers.  Claire has also just started cutting her first tooth (a bottom one), and loves standing (when she is, of course aided by a table or some helping hands).  Her favorite foods are baby puffs, yogurt melts, baby cheese puffs, bread, and various baby food pouches (especially the peach/apricot/banana flavor, a preference that is seconded by her dad, who was seriously considering buying some for his own lunch).  Here are some photos from the past few weeks:

Claire on her eight-month "birthday."
Enjoying a bike ride with Gigi and Papa.

Rockin' a pretty sweet outfit from Aunt Kati.
Cindy Lou Who
Hanging out with her BFF
Snow day!
And now on to the second reason for this post.  Tomorrow, January 31st, is Omphalocele Awareness Day.  To celebrate, we will be wearing black and white to honor all the "O" warriors and "O" angels, and we would love if y'all would join us!  If you do, feel free to take a pic and post it to Facebook (and please tag Bo and I so we can be sure to see it!)!  As I have said before, the day we heard that Claire had an omphalocele was probably the scariest day of our lives, but at this very moment, we can honestly say that we wouldn't change a thing.  Claire is one of the happiest, healthiest, strongest babies we know.  Not only does she make our lives better each and every day, but she taught Bo and I a very important lesson, which is to never take anything for granted and to just enjoy each day as it comes. 

So thankful.

Love to all, 

Val and Bo

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year's!

Honestly, this post is just an excuse to share what (I think) is the cutest picture ever:

The child knows how to pose for the camera.
But seriously, I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve and that their year is off to a wonderful start.  I know that, for us, 2013 started as a year of unknowns and uncertainties, but it ended as a year full of amazement and miracles.  When we first learned about Claire's omphalocele, I never once imagined that Claire would already be where she is today.  I know that I have shared that sentiment before, but it truly cannot be said enough.  Thank you again to all of you for being on this journey with us, for all of your well wishes, prayers, and support.  We couldn't have come this far without you.

