Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I was debating about doing a big lead-in, and making everyone read pointless drivel (which I am really, REALLY good at writing) before revealing the C-section date, but I realized that everyone is fully capable of just scrolling down until they found the date on their own, meaning that I would only be wasting my time.  So, without further delay . . . 

Claire should be making her debut on the morning of May 16, 2013 (the actual appointment time is 8:00 a.m.).  I say "should be" since there is always the chance that she could try to come early, but we are keeping our fingers crossed that she continues to stay put for the duration.

Honestly, I was (not-so-secretly) hoping for the 14th as that would mean Claire would share her birthday with some pretty great football players - Clay Matthews (Green Bay Packers), Rob Gronkowski (Patriots), and Frank Gore (49ers) - but I realize that is not a real reason for pushing for a certain date (and I certainly wasn't going to press the issue with Dr. H. since it was hard enough to get a date in the first place!).  Instead, Claire's birth will serve the higher purpose of giving Bo a great excuse to escape that day's YMCA board meeting where he is currently scheduled to give the opening speech.

[On the other hand, I guess the YMCA board meeting could give Bo a great excuse to escape the hospital for a couple of hours, especially since I have no illusions about my pain tolerance (meaning, my lack thereof) and fully believe I will probably be a HUGE pain in the butt after the pain meds have worn off.  For the record, Bo, I wouldn't blame you.]

So, all in all, a good date.

Otherwise, not much to share.  Claire continues to pass her non-stress tests with flying colors, but I still have to have the tests 2x per week given that the level of amniotic fluid is still higher than normal (but no higher than it was since first measured).  We have one last ultrasound scheduled for next Tuesday, April 30th, at which time I should be able to provide more information re: Claire's "O," her current weight, etc., etc.  

In the meantime, we continue to be grateful for all the love and support y'all have given us and hope that you know how very, very much it means to us.


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